

The site of Hara Castle is located at the southern end of the Shimabara Peninsula in Minamishimabara City, Nagasaki Prefecture, which holds Unzen. The site of Hara Castle was the stage of Shimabara Rebellion, where Christians and peasants uprised with Shiro Amakusa as the leader in 1637 following the oppression and famine. About 30,000 people stayed in Hara Castle and lost the fight with the Shogunate forces of 120,000 people. It is a ruin that shows that Christianity was inherited systematically in Arima and Amakusa even under the ban of Christianity. A statue of Shiro Amakusa is erected at Shimabara Castle, which still remains beside the site of Hara Castle. And the exhibits of Christian materials related to the Shimabara rebellion can bee seen at Shimabara Castle.
